Tomasz Koclęga

Usilovně pracujeme na ONLINE podobě 7. ročníku 3KinoFest, který letos proběhne od 4. -15. 11. 2020. 

V dnešní nepříliš veselé době nám dělají radost naši přátelé. Nesmírně nás potěšil a energii dodal sochař Tomasz Koclęga, který je autorem letošních cen. Ve svém ateliéru právě dokončuje exkluzivní sošky z bronzu. Tomasz Koclęga je ceněným sochařem a jeho díla je možné najít v mnoha galeriích po celém světě. Velký úspěch zaznamenal mezi sběrateli umění v Japonsku. Odtajňujeme první fotografie z ateliéru, kde probíhá příprava modelu na odlévání do bronzu.



Tomasz Koclęga

Born in 1968 in Zawiercie, Poland. Lives in Gliwice, Poland. He is practising the sculpture. He studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow, in the Department of the Graphics in Katowice. The diploma received in 1993. He studied in the studio of of the drawing and painting of Prof. Jacek Rykała and in the lithography’s studio of Prof. Adam Romaniuk and Prof. Jozef Budka In 1993 he participated in international artistic workshops “ Inner Spaces ” in Skoki, studying spatial forms in the studio of Prof. Izabella Gustowska. In years 1994 – 1995 worked as the assistant in the Team of the Fne Arts on the epartment of Architecture of the Silesian Technical University in Gliwice. In years 1996 – 2007 worked in the Secondary School of the Fine Arts in Zabrze, where conducted the sculpture class. For nine years he also served as the deputy director, and for the final year of the work he was a headmaster. Currently he is working at the Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice, conducting the sculpture class in artistic and design departaments and at the Silesian College of the Computer Science in Chorzów, on direction of the graphic design, giving classes from modeling spatial forms. Repeatedly he presented his sculptures in the public spheres of Silesian cities. They are included in the last presentations „Dream „on the